(0.5 نقطة)
أهلاً وسهلاً بِكم في موقِعكم "أسأل مجلتي" الرائد في تقديم الحلول الموثوقة لجميع الاسئلة
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Pickpocket (0.5 نقطة)
الاجابة المعتمدة هي: stolen
Pickpocket refers to a person who steals from the pockets or bags of unsuspecting individuals in crowded public places, such as markets, public transportation, or busy streets. A pickpocket usually operates in a subtle and stealthy manner, trying to avoid being detected by the victim or bystanders. They can steal anything from money, wallets, and credit cards to watches, mobile phones, and other valuables. Pickpocketing is considered a form of theft and is illegal in most countries.