0 تصويتات
في تصنيف اسئلة تعليمية بالانجلش بواسطة

Put the word in the correct space: (jobs - laboratory - wall - cope)

1. Teacher, Doctors and Food scientist are

2. I put the picture on the

3. The scientist works in the

4. Engineers need to be able to

with temperatures that average 104 F.

أهلاً وسهلاً بِكم في موقِعكم "أسأل مجلتي" الرائد في تقديم الحلول الموثوقة لجميع الاسئلة 

حل سؤال: 

Put the word in the correct space: (jobs - laboratory - wall - cope)

1. Teacher, Doctors and Food scientist are

2. I put the picture on the

3. The scientist works in the

4. Engineers need to be able to

with temperatures that average 104 F.

الاجابة المعتمدة هي:

1.  Teacher, Doctors and Food scientist are jops

2. I put the picture on the wall

3. The scientist works in the laboratory 

4. Engineers need to be able to cope with 

with temperatures that average 104 F.

1 إجابة واحدة

0 تصويتات
أفضل إجابة
laboratory - wall - cope)

1. Teacher, Doctors and Food scientist are

2. I put the picture on the

3. The scientist works in the

4. Engineers need to be able to

with temperatures that avera

ge 104 F.