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في تصنيف اسئلة تعليمية بالانجلش بواسطة

__________________Q1\The main idea of text is

(1 نقطة)

The television

The college

The Talking Gorilla

Penny's family

اقرأ القطعه التي بالاعلى ثم اجب عن الاسئله.

خطة علاجية استعداد للاختبار الوزاري (U9 to 12)  ثالث م T3  اللغة الإنجليزية  

(U9 to U12) SG3 T3  الفصل الدراسي الثالث

(Reading Comprehension

Some animals can understand people. Dogs can learn how to sit or roll over. But very few animals can talk back to people. Koko the gorilla was born in a zoo in 1971. She was intelligent. Koko hated water because she could not swim naturally. A college student named Penny wondered if animals could learn to talk with people. She started to teach Koko sign language. Sign language is a way of using your hands and face to communicate. Penny would say a word and use her hands at the same time. She would move Koko’s hands into the same shape. Her plan worked. Soon it was clear that, even though Koko could not speak but she could use sign language to talk with her hands. Koko started to use sign language for food when she was hungry. Koko was smart. She eventually learned over one thousand different signs to “talk” with Penny. Penny gave Koko the chance to do some things people enjoy. She showed Koko pictures from around the world. Koko was even given a pet kitten to take care of. She enjoyed painting and watching television. She got to meet the children’s TV star Mr. Rogers. When Koko saw him, she made the sign for “love.”)

أهلاً وسهلاً بِكم في موقِعكم "أسأل مجلتي" الرائد في تقديم الحلول الموثوقة لجميع الاسئلة 

حل سؤال: 

__________________Q1\The main idea of text is

(1 نقطة)

The television

The college

The Talking Gorilla

Penny's family

الاجابة المعتمدة هي: The Talking Gorilla

The Talking Gorilla

1 إجابة واحدة

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أفضل إجابة

__________________Q1\The main idea of text is

(1 نقطة)

The television

The college

The Talking Gorilla

Penny's family

the right answer is: The Talking Gorilla
